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Go to the Inn and select Devourer Saga.

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Q: How do you get to devourer saga in adventure quest?
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How do you get out of the devourer saga on adventure quest?

flee or die

Where is dewlock in the devourer saga in Adventure Quest?

He is on the roof of the first house on the left.

Where is epic quest in adventure quest?

they are the first 20 or so quests in the devourer saga. epic quest 14 gives you the eye of naab, which I highly recommend

Where can you find an Acidrake on Adventure Quest?

Go to the Devourer's Saga and go in the quest "Dragonstone." In the quest select option "attack at night." You will find a acidrake there. You can also click acidragon or anything with acid in it.

How do you move your moral compas to evil in the online game adventure quest?

To move it, you have to do quests from the Devourer Saga. During some of the quests, you will be presented with choices that will change your alignment. To reach Devourer Saga quests, you must go to the travel map, and go east twice. More information here:

Where do you find a acid drake in adventure quest?

Lol took me a long time to find one... Goto the Devourer Saga then Dragonstone then attack at night low chance of getting one but if you kill it click its body and youll get the blood.

Where can you battle nightbane in adventure quest?

devouerer saga beginig of the end or in his castle

Where is the light saber in aventure quest worlds?

You just have to go to yulgar inn then click the devourer saga and go to part 5 and click on the network strikes.

How to get to Mount Thrall in Adventure Quest?

Use the Devour Saga. Inside the Inn/Tavern

What level do you need to be to play the final battle in The devour saga adventure quest?

i went lvl 45

Where to find lvl 500 nightbane in adventure quest?

The Inn > Devourer Saga > Part 6: Unity > 1. The Beginning of the End You have to be level 58+ to access this quest, and you have to be level 100+ to fight the level 500 version of Nightbane. Beware, with the recent buff to the player HP he seems to have become truly unbeatable, since his drain attack is a fixed percentage of the player's max HP.

How do you unlock the protector set in adventure quest?

u need 2 go on the devour saga and go across and look for protector clik on it and do th quest and u can buy protector set