I haven't done it yet but I know you need at least the HM Cut. At some point on Route 29 you can go north. Go north to Route 46 and continue going north. Eventually you'll run into a Dark Cave and you'll need to go through it. Hope I helped. And if I didn't you can always look at the Town Map. :)
you go to new bark town surf on that water in the town and you will be in kanto go up the first water fall in tojito falls then go down the other go out get to victory road ( no trainers exept silver) beat the elite four then take the S.S aqua to vermillion city
After defeating Misty in Blackthorn City, head back to New Bark Town and use your HM03 Surf to swim across (going east) to the Pokemon League. I will warn you now, this part of the game will not be easy.
Fish with the Good Rod or Super Rod at New Bark Town, Union Cave Route 26, Route 27, Olivine City, Vermilion City, or Pallet Town.
Go to New Bark town then go east as far as possible and surf until you get to land. There is a cave in their. go into it and use waterfall. (HM you need after you beat blackthorn city's gym leader). Then travel through victory road and ??? will battle you. Then you must defeat the Elite Four (A.K.A. The Pokemon League) and then you will be able to continue on your journey.
You can catch a Chinchou with a Good Rod if you fish in Routes 26 and 27, Olivine City, Vermilion City, Pallet Town, New Bark Town or Union Cave (the bottommost floor).
Scarmory (which a first i thought was a monkey XD) is on the route lower to Blackthorn city and upper to New Bark Town
What town!? Be more specific with your questions! There is the following towns: New Bark Town Cherrygrove City Violet City Azalea Town Goldenrod City Ecruteak City Olivine City Cianwood City Mahogany Town Blackthorn City Vermillion City Saffron City Lavender Town Cerulean City Celadon City Fuchsia City Pewter City Viridian City Pallet Town Cinnabar Island Seafoam Island
if you havent gotten the badge yet go todragons den on the other side of the lake in the city. if you alreaady got the badge head to the Pokemon lab at new bark town.
His house isn't in a city it is in between New Bark Town and CherryGrove City.
The first city after New Bark Town.
You have to trade from FireRed or LeafGreen.
cherry grove town i think. either that or ccherrygrove city...
yes ive got to every city in soulsilver cereulean city saffron city goldenrod city lavender town lake of rage blackthorn city ecreuteak city new bark town cherrygrove city olivine city cianwood city azalea town safari zone gate violet city mahogany town viridian city pewter city pallet town cinnabar ilsand fuchsia city vermilion city celadon city mount silver mount moon mount mortar
you go to new bark town surf on that water in the town and you will be in kanto go up the first water fall in tojito falls then go down the other go out get to victory road ( no trainers exept silver) beat the elite four then take the S.S aqua to vermillion city
After defeating Misty in Blackthorn City, head back to New Bark Town and use your HM03 Surf to swim across (going east) to the Pokemon League. I will warn you now, this part of the game will not be easy.
Cherrygrove City is to the west of New Bark Town and south of Violet City.
new bark town!?