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just follow the steps of moshimonsters and be an moshi fan

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Q: How do you get to be monstar of the month in Moshi Monsters?
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Who has monstar A on moshi monsters?


On moshi monsters do you know an a list monstar?

There are several A list MonStars. To find an A list MonStar, click on monsters you see walking around on Moshi Monsters to view their profiles and to see what level of MonStar they are.

Who is monstar of the week on moshi monsters?

The monstar of the week changes every week

How do you move up your monstar rating on moshi monsters?

To move up your MONSTAR rating on Moshi Monsters you have to get people to rate your room and you have to play the daily challenge everyday.

What is the star that has a letter on it on the left at the house on moshi monsters?

The star with a letter on it in your room/house on Moshi Monsters shows your MonStar rating. The lowest MonStar rating is Z and the highest is A.

How do you get a higher Monstar level on Moshi Monsters?

To get a higher Monstar level, you have to get people to visit and rate your room.

Who has the highest monstar list on moshi monsters?

The Best Monstar is of course mcflyiepants!!!!!!!!! Hope it helped and add me cpgirl10!!

How can you be a monstar in Moshi Monsters?

Your MonSTAR rating depends on how many people visit your room and how high they rate your room.

What is the secret code in the monstar rooms handbook in moshi monsters?

port :)

How many rox do you get for winning monSTAR of the week on moshi monsters?


On moshi monsters what happens if your monstar list goes to an a?

This is the highest MonSTAR rating you can achieve. If you reach this rating, well done!

What is the letter list for on Moshi Monsters for?

The letter list is the MonSTAR list on Moshi Monsters. You get MonSTAR points every time someone visits your room and also when someone rates your room. You start a Z and move up, so the Monsters who have the most visitors have letters closer to the letter A. Moshi Monsters also chooses a MonSTAR of the Week each week and posts their name in the Daily Growl.