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you need to do monkey madness and go to this guy at the bar place in the trees in tree gnome stronghold (i think his name is Dario) and ask to go in and do the puzzle fly to a island then go on a boat and you will be at ape atoll.

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Q: How do you get to ape atoll Runescape?
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Where are the monkey's lcoated on runescape?

In various places, but especially in Ape Atoll.

How do you get to ape atoll in runescape?

You must start or complete the quest Monkey Madness.

Where is there a scimitar stall?

If your talking about where it is in Runescape. It is in the commons in within Ape Atoll. Look for the scimitar icon on your mini map.

On runescape what is the ape atoll agility course world?

Any world, but preferably one that has no events and no pking. World 46 is the unofficial ape atol agility world.

Where is waymottin on RuneScape?

Waymottin is a gnome found in the Ape Atoll Dungeon. He can be found once you arrive at ape Atoll at the (!) before actually entering the city. You must then bring some Energy pots to run by the maze as well as 1 prayer pot to use protect from melee.

What does Monkey Madness mean in RuneScape?

Monkey Madness is a quest installment in the gnomish storyline. It is a sequel to "The Grand Tree". The quest is set on the Ape Atoll, which is an island inhabited by unfriendly monkeys.

How do you get the law rune in RuneScape?

You can get law runes from the runecrafting skill at level 54, or from buying it at the grand exchange, The Mage Arena, The Magic Guild The Marim rune shop on Ape Atoll, or Ali Morrisane (after completing The Feud quest).

Where can you harpoon at a level of 35 in Runescape?

KaramjaCatherbyApe Atoll (not recommended)Jatizso

How do you get to crash island on runescape?

To get to the Crash Island in RuneScape, you must be either in the process of, or are finished with the quest Monkey Madness. Crash Island is used to get to the Ape Atoll. To get to Crash Island, go to the Grand Tree. Then, go to the second level and go east. Speak to the Gnome with a mask on. He will bring you to the Hangar. Speak with the pilot near there, and he will bring you to the Crash Island.

What is better killing monkey guards in ape atoll or killing yaks in jatizo and in neizitnot?

yaks in jatizo and neizitnot

Where to find teak trees on runescape?

One location is south-west of castle wars. Also, Ape Atoll, south-east, near the cave entrance. Look for the rare tree icon, in the minimap or world map.For additional locations, search for "teak tree".