If your talking about where it is in Runescape. It is in the commons in within Ape Atoll. Look for the scimitar icon on your mini map.
addy scimitar
Dragon Scimitar for sure. But get both and your awesome because poison and strength scimitar!
haha, nope. if your f2p stick to the rune scimitar.
Not even close. The Rune Scimitar is better when it comes to attack stats. The blurite sword's defense stats are actually a little better then the rune Rune Scimitar's.
Grand exchange
The best (non-member) scimitar is the corrupt dragon scimitar. although it will degrade so i would use rune scimitar
Scimitar oryx was created in 1827.
Abbeville Scimitar ended in 1917.
The Scimitar of the Prophet was created in 1913.
battle axe hits higher, but scimitar hits faster, i prefer scimitar
addy scimitar
Memphis Press-Scimitar ended in 1983.
Memphis Press-Scimitar was created in 1926.
Abbeville Scimitar was created on 1914-07-11.
Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper was created in 1849.
Dragon Scimitar for sure. But get both and your awesome because poison and strength scimitar!
I just love my new bronze scimitar!