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There is a maze free azelf,uxie,and mesprit first becaue they get suck in the portal to the distortion world then garintina will be flying around once you reach a died end that's supposed to og upward,garintina will fly in front of you.

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Q: How do you get to Giritina in the distortion world?
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Where do you get giritina?

you get giritina in the distortion world. It really is quite simple

Pokemon platinum how to find giritina?

you have to beat Cyrus in the distortion world

Where is giritina in platinm version?

well at the top of spear pillar but to you have to follow him into the distortion world where you can catch him.

In Pokemon platinum where is giritina?

It is found in the Distortion world- the entrance is at the spear pillar in Mt. Coronet

On Pokemon platinum how do you find a girtina?

While playing through the story you will end up in the distortion world with Cynthia. in the distortion world you will have to battle Cyrus after beating him Cynthia will heal your Pokemon. then you will be able to find giritina, in the distortion world.

Where can I find Giritina in Pokemon Distortion World Walkthrough?

Giratina is not available in Leaf Green, he is catchable only in Platinum version.

How to catch giritina on plantinum?

In Pokemon Platinum, You Have To Go To Distortion World Which Is Available In The Storyline There, You Will Have a Wild Encounter With It.

Where do you find giritina in platnium?

Usually in the 'Distortion World'...but you have to climb Mt. Cornet...and battle Mars and Jupiter... But the good thing is you are stuck in the Distortion World with Cynthia, so you'll be okay... Oh, and don't worry if you haven't battled the Electric Gym Challenger...that is after the Distortion World...

How do you get to sunnyshore in platnuim?

You need to go east of the valor lakefront (south of veilstone and east of pastoria) after you battle giritina at the distortion world.

Where to get giritina in Pokemon plaitinum for ds?

In the Distortion World after you got your seventh badge and defeat Cyrus for the second time, receiving a Master Ball

How can you access the full distortion world is you've already been there?

After you beat the Pokemon League, a path on Route 214 will open up called, Spring Path. You will need Rock Climb and possibly Surf. It will be the same cave that is in Peal and Diamond where you found/ find Giritina. But where Giritina was in Diamond and Pearl, will be the entrance to the Distortion World. Hope it helps. -CelestialIllusion

What item do you use to change Giritina in Pokemon Platinum and where do you find it?

To find it go to spear pillar and you will battle the commanders and in the distortion world at the end is where you find Giritina! I'm not sure about the item though and a good walkthrough website is