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go 2 canalave city, go 2 the house in front of the sailor tht stands in front of the boat, talk 2 the man and he will tell u ov new moon island, now go outside and talk 2 tht sailor and he will take u 2 new moon island.(if u dont no wats on tht island thn keep reeding, ther is a legendary called creselia talk 2 her and she will run away, u wont be able 2 find her in ur pokedex but it wiil be in ur poketch) u need 2 hav the national dex and hav talked 2 profesor oak in pal park(end ov route 211)

happy hunting

get to fullmoon island Pokemon diamondokay, you have to defeat the Pokemon league and complete the sinnoh pokedex then go to canalave city go to sailor edricths house and talk to the boy in bed. then talk to his mum and she will say that he was in an endles nightmare. now talk to the guy who usually takes you to iron island and hell ask you to go to fullmoon island. if you accept you will be able to go there when ever you want.

hope i helped!

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Q: How do you get to Fullmoon Island on Pokemon Diamond?
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there is none. that is what i know from diamond. in pearl, its probably the same. - ho-ohawesomeness

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He is the sailor in Canavale City that takes you to Iron Island and Fullmoon Island and back. You can only get to Fullmoon Island after you get the National Pokedex,talk to his son in his house, then talk to Sailor Edrich.

Crescent island Pokemon pearl?

I think you mean Fullmoon Island. Fullmoon Island is where you encounter Cresselia. It is a roaming Pokemon, so you can't catch it there.

What are the other islands on Pokemon diamond else than fullmoon and iron island?

There is a place called New moon island where you can get a Darkrai.

How do you get to fullmoon island in Pokemon Diamond?

go to canalave city, go into the sailors house, talk to the boy in bed, talk to his mom, agree to go to fullmoon island to get the lunar wing, then go outside, talk to the sailor, and your on your way!

Getting darkrie Pokemon?

NewMoon Island east of FullMoon Island

Where to see a corselia on Pokemon pearl?

on fullmoon island

Can you get both Darkrai and Cresselia in diamond?

yes, cresselia is a Pokemon that will constantly flee so it has to be caught on your first move. darkrai is on new moon island which is next to fullmoon island.