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if you go to lavender town, go straight down and turn right at the very end. To let u know, i think the gym there is poison.

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Q: How do you get to Fuchsia city in Pokemon soul silver?
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Where is pal park in Pokemon soul silver?

It's in Fuchsia city in Kanto.

Where do you find the Fuchsia city gym leader in Pokemon soul silver?

Ypu Find her at the gym at the south most part of the city in Fuchsia city.

How do you clear the construction in fuchsia city in Pokemon soul silver?

You have to beat all 16 gyms.

Where do you catch migrated Pokemon in soul silver?

Go to Pal Park, in Fuchsia City, where the Safari Zone used to be in the older games.

Can you trade from FireRed to soul silver?

No. You have to migrate six Pokemon from GBA games once you reach Fuchsia City.

Where is the gym leader of fuchsia in soul silver?

The Gym and Gym leader is in the bottom left of the city near the Pokemon center.

In Pokemon firered version which city do you get the soulbadge?

You get the soul badge from Koga in Fuchsia City.

How do the builders move in fuchsia city in soul silver?

the move over night

Where is the gym leader of fuchsia city in soul silver?

The gym leader of Fuchsia City is in her gym. It is located in the same strip as the Pokemon Center. They all look the same because they are ninjas, so it is a guess and choose game in the gym.

Why do you have to go to Fuchsia city to trade Pokemon from Fire Red to Soul Silver?

To trade from any GBA game you must import them and catch them at the Pal Park, which is in Fuschia city, where the old Safari Zone used to be.

Can you get your Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire to your Pokemon soul silver?

yes, only if you have a ds. put sapphire in the gba slot. then in the menu, tap "migrate from Pokemon sapphire". tap the Pokemon you want to migrate and after the migration, the Pokemon will be at the pal park to catch. the pal park is at fuchsia city in kanto.

What city do you after golden rod city in Pokemon soul silver?

you do ecruteack city