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Use a Pokemon to Fly to Acuity Lakefront from Celestic Town. If you don't want to Fly whatsoever, then go west into the tallest mountain, and then going north all the way, then past the whole snow and blizzard.

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Q: How do you get to Acuity lakefront from celestic town?
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Get a secret potion on Lake Valor for the Psyduck flock that's blocking celestic town's entrance. Hope I helped you man.

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How do you get to celistic town Pokemon pearl?

At Valor lakefront, Cynthia gives you the secret potion. Give this to the psyducks by cafe cabin, and go down that road until you get to celestic town.

How do you get into the valor lakefront in pokemon diamond?

Use surf. And go down to talk to Cynthia, who will have you run an errand to her grandma in Celestic Town. Hope this helps. :)

How do get to acuity lakefront?

you go to snowpoint city and you walk through and battle all of the trainers then you walk up to the top and there will be a place were you use strength and you go up there and there is acuity lakefront

Where to get a reaper cloth in Pokemon pearl?

acuity lakefront i think