trevor island
Candypolooza on map. Have fun!!:)
you can fish it out at cutopia
In the spookane fishing spot near Morcubus's castle
Wii console.
Treasure Finder!
YoU hAvE tO cOmPlEtE tHe RoCkEt ReEf
the cowboy island
the uncharted isle
trevor island
yes there are there is sims 2 kingdom and sims animals and sims 3 might be coming out for Wii soon.
They are on The Cowboy Junction island and youhave to pull up dandelions consecutively. I think you can also dig them up but I'm not too sure. Hope this helps. :)
Mario Kart Wii, Wii Play, Wii Fit, My Sims ( under 10 ), My sims Kingdom ( over 10 ), and Super Smash Bros Brawl