Walk in grass in an area with thunder + lightning. You'll eventually encounter him.
You can get two thundrus by breeding ditto with thundrus but thundrus has to hold a full increase.
go to adburant shine with tornadrus and thundrus and if your talking about landorus?
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think
You cant. you can only send to pokemon white
It's not on Black, so you have to get a Thundrus with a friend who had Pokemon White
trade from pokemon white sorry that all ideas i have to get tundrus in pokemon black
You cannot catch Thundurus in Pokemon Black, he is exclusive to Pokemon White.
you can not encounter a thundrus in black so you have to trade it from white requiring natiol dex
You can't, you can only find that on the white version. You can find Tornadous in Black.
Thundrus and Tornadus is the same pokemon, but with different moves. It depends what pokemon you're fighting. But if I was you i'd go with Tornadus
You have to have both thundrus and tornadus in party and then head to Abundant Shrine.Landorus will be there and he is level 70
You can't get Thundrus, Braviary, Ruffet
You can get two thundrus by breeding ditto with thundrus but thundrus has to hold a full increase.
go to adburant shine with tornadrus and thundrus and if your talking about landorus?
here's what i did, i changed the time to 16:00 (4pm) and went to route 4 keep going back and forth beteween castelia city and route 4 if you see alot of rain go in the sand and it will have a horizontal beam of light before you battle it
Thundrus- he moves around like entei, so hes hard to catch Ruffet- in the grass near the entryway in victory road