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In order to get the rest of the Trainers to fight you, you're going to need to solve some puzzles. These puzzles are based on notes hidden inside of books and following clues around. It's not overly difficult, but you can also just follow these directions to get through:

  • Go to the bottom-left bookshelf and press A when looking at the blue bookshelf down there. You'll want to pick up the book there entitled "Nice to Meet You, Pokemon!"
  • Inside of the book will be a clue from Lenora, asking you what the first Pokemon you fought in the gym was and that you should go to the middle row. Go there, then on the left side, search the green bookshelf. There's another clue in the book entitled "The Biology of Patrat."
  • The next book describes a fiery Pokemon with smoke all around it, hinting that someone is reading it. Go talk to the Scientist up in the back of the room and say that is the book you're looking for (even though the subject isn't a Pokemon like you probably thought). She'll battle you right away, using a Herdier L17 (evolution of Lillipup). Watch out! She may use an X Defend right away!
  • After beating her, she'll move out of the way.
  • Search that bookshelf and you'll find another secret memo with a question.
  • Now go search the green bottom-right bookshelf and you'll find yet another memo with a clue inside. It describes some directions, but you'll just want to head directly north of where you're at and battle the School Kid on the steps. She has three Lillipup at level 15 and is not too difficult to defeat.
  • After beating her, search the bookshelf she was guarding and answer yes to reveal a secret set of stairs leading down to the Gym Leader!
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Q: How do you get through the second gym in Black and White?
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You cannot re-battle the Gym Leaders in Pokémon Black and White.

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Roxie in Virbank City, she specializes in Poison-type Pokemon.

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As you enter the second gym the first lady on your right will be the one to revive your fossil.

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Go to cold storage to find team plasma

What Pokemon does the second gym leader have in Pokemon black version?

All bug type , if you have Pansear or Tepig you can use either one of them and get through the entire gym easily

How do you get the light stone in Pokemon black?

good question, well i got white and there like the same thing. after you see N in the place after you beat the seneth gym. you fly back to the second gym and the gym leader there will give it to you.

How do you get into the secong gym in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You get to the second gym by traveling through the Union Cave. Once through, you will reach Azalea Town. That town is home to the second gym.

Can you rematch with gym leaders in black and white?

No unfortunately :(

Are there still gym battles in Pokemon Black and Pokemon White?

Yes, like any regular Pokemon game, Pokemon black and white still has gym battles.

In Pokemon Black and White are there gym leaders?

Yes, there will be Gym Leaders in Black and White. It has the usual 8 Gyms however there are 2 differences. The first Gym has 3 Gym Leaders but you'll only fight 1 of them depending on the Starter you chose and the last Gym has 2 Gym Leaders but the Gym Leader for that Gym differs depending on your game.

Who is the new Brock in Pokemon Black and White?

its clay as a gym