Well, just like all the other gyms, you fight your way through! but to get in, go to lake rage first, and complete the sequence of events happening after you catch red gyarados. Then you may enter, and defeat the gym, (best if you have a fire type because that gym is ice type).
Mahogany town.
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
In Johto: New Bark Town, Azalea Town, and Mahogany Town. In Kanto: Pallet Town.
You can't get to it in soulsilver.
you definitely need help here, so go read everything on bulbapedia and serebii and psypokes, then here is the solution... mahogany town is in mahogany town!
Between Mahogany Town and Lake of Rage.
East of mahogany town.
Mahogany town.
Go east from mahogany town, go through the Ice path, and you will be in blackthorn.
the next gym is @ Mahogany Town
You have to go west of Mahogany town onto route 44 and then go through ice path
TM46 Thief can be found in the Rocket Hideout in Mahogany Town.
in mahogany town in a house beside the gym
You can find TM Thief in Mahogany Town in the Rocket Hideout
go to etacreack city and on the right side u can find the town
The 7th badge/gym is in Mahogany Town. The Gym Leader mainly has ice type pokemon.
BlackTHORN city is east of Mahogany Town through the Ice Path