If you look on each floor you can find a marowak statue if you check it you should find a switch if pressed it will open doors that were once closed however the open doors will close. Use the statues to navigate yourself to the basement of the mansion which is were the secret key is.
If we are both on the same page, and you and I are both thinking about the same Pokemon masion inleaf green version..... the masion is found on Cinnabar Island. One easy way you can get to Cinaabar Island is by flying back to your hometown (Pallet Town) and "surfing" across the little path of water at the very south of the town. Once your on the water, keep moving south and you'll eventually get to Cinnabar Island, home of the Pokemon mansion! (:
same place it was in red & green
I'm not sure about leaf green but on firered it's in the basement of the poke mansion. I'm thinking it should be the same since firered and leaf green are so similar.
seafom island is to the right of cinnabar if you want to cheat a tiny bit fly to pallet town and surf down to reach cinnabar island. But if you want to do it the hard way you need to get the boulders inside of seafoam island to go into the water so you can reach the ladder that leads you to the exit where you can go to cinnabar from.
Clefable does not learn Metronome via leveling up. In order to get metronome you must have Clefairy learn it at lvl 31, then use the Moon Stone to evolve into Clefable. In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), you can, however, teach Clefable Metronome from TM 35. TM 35 is obtained at the Pokemon Research Lab which is the building just south of the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.
you find it in deep inside Pokemon mansion i think
no. u have to trade one from firered.
If we are both on the same page, and you and I are both thinking about the same Pokemon masion inleaf green version..... the masion is found on Cinnabar Island. One easy way you can get to Cinaabar Island is by flying back to your hometown (Pallet Town) and "surfing" across the little path of water at the very south of the town. Once your on the water, keep moving south and you'll eventually get to Cinnabar Island, home of the Pokemon mansion! (:
Mew cannot be caught in LeafGreen. It is only accessible through a Nintendo Event or through My Pokemon Ranch.
you can get one from cheryl or go to the Pokemon mansion and talk to one of the maids their you can get one from cheryl or go to the Pokemon mansion and talk to one of the maids their
Cinnibar Island Hope this helps
You find it in the bottom of the Pokemon mansion
same place it was in red & green
In Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green, it is possible to go up the stairs in Celadon Mansion if you enter through the back. All the way at the top of the mansion, the player can find an Eevee.
I'm not sure about leaf green but on firered it's in the basement of the poke mansion. I'm thinking it should be the same since firered and leaf green are so similar.
You can't catch Magmar in fire red, only leaf green. Instead you can catch an Electabuzz which can be found in the power plant (surf north of Lavender town). In Leaf Green you can catch Magmar on Cinnabar Island. There's a mansion that boosts fire pokemon. Magmar can be found there but it's very rare.
It is south of pallet town. u need the move Surf, to get there. hope this helped.