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Just take the diagonal teleport each time, don't know if it's the quickest way, but it works.

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Q: How do you get through Sabrina's gym?
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In Pokemon how do you get through Sabrinas gym?

the video will tell you everything! :]

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How do you get in Sabrinas gym?

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How do you get through Sabrinas gym in Pokemon FireRed?

I number the blocks with top left being 1, top right being 2, bottom left 3, and bottom right 4. When you enter the gym and hit the first block, the shortest route I've found is 1,1,3.

In Pokemon FireRed what is Sabrinas team on?

I don't quite understand exactly what you're asking, but I'll try to help. Sabrina's team is in Saffron city, and she has Psychic type Pokemon. She's the gym leader in that town.

How do you get through Sabrinas gym in Pokemon Blue?

Sabrina is the toughest gym leader. The best way to fight her strong psychic pokemon is to use a pokemon than can take special hits and attack back with powerful physical attacks. Snorlax, Slobro, Hypno, Gyarados, and Lapras are all good options. Sabrina's pokemon are very fast, so it is crucial that you paralyze them. You should always have sleep powder or thunder wave on your team. If you can put her pokemon to sleep, or freeze them, you will win.

Sabrinas boss states that she will increase Sabrinas salary from 12000 to 14000 per year if she enrolls in business courses at a local community college What percent increase in salary will result?

14000 - 12000 = 20002000/12000%100 = 16.67%

When is Sabrinas birthday?

American actress and singer Sabrina Carpenter was born on May 11, 1999.

How do you get into the secong gym in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You get to the second gym by traveling through the Union Cave. Once through, you will reach Azalea Town. That town is home to the second gym.

How do you get through sandstorms on sapphire?

You will need the go-goggles to get through the desert. You will get the goggles after beating the gym leader Flannery. Her gym is located in Lavaridge.

Gym leader in Snowpoint city?

Well you can just use fire types to get through the gym.

Sabrinas boss states that she will increase Sabrinas salary from 12000 to 14000 per year if she enrolls in business courses at a local community college What percent increase in salary will rest?

14000-12000=2000 so that is the change is salary. 2000/12000=.1666 .16666 *100=16.67% increase.