Complete "The Denier" challenge. I think it's deny an enemy of a 10 kill stresk , kill them at 9, challenge unlocked around lv. 61 if you are on mw3 set off a chain reaction of explosions to kill an enemy
Get 25 AC-130s
There is no rhino emblem. Unless you are talking about the Ghost emblem, in that case it would be reaching 10th Prestige.
The hyena...You have to get 50 kills with a RPG.
Get the game winning kill with a Riot Shield.
kill 2 people with claymors 50times
To get the mw2 nuke emblem you have to get 10 nukes OVER 9000 joke, 10
get 2500 headshots
Get 25 AC-130s
There is no rhino emblem. Unless you are talking about the Ghost emblem, in that case it would be reaching 10th Prestige.
call in 25
10000 headshots with snipers
The hyena...You have to get 50 kills with a RPG.
Complete ak-47 veteran2
Get the game winning kill with a Riot Shield.
kill 2 people with claymors 50times
play team deathmatch and get the top score