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Q: How do you get the venomweb invizimal?
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Related questions

What are the special invizimals?

uberjakal, scissorbeak, tigershark, nessie, venomweb, flamingrodon, moby, boneshell and a skelatail Tigershark is my fave invizimal

Where to get an invizimal trap?

go to photobucket and search secret invizimal traps

What is the god invizimal?

The invizimal is actually Ra the sun God of Egyptians hes called uberjackal the only way is to go on a invizimal web and complete it will tell you how to.

Where do you get a secret trap for venomweb?

there is yet a trap for venomweb but ill keep looking myself for u but they better bring one out because i need venomweb. do u have online so we can get moby and boneshell. they are my last 3!! how do u get online it wont let me!

How do you capture an invizimal?

you have to get told in a mission to go capture an invizimal then you can level them up and capture as many as you want

How do you capture a invizimal?

first obviously you need a trap a psp the game and a camera 1-search for colors there is a bar that is at the top of the screen it teels you 2-unite the yellow things 3-listen the tutorial to catch the invizimal 4-catch the invizimal like they told you 5-enjoy your new invizimal^^

How do you get a bird invizimal?

Story mode.

How do you get a pink invizimal?

Story mode.

How do you get a toad invizimal?

Story mode.

How do you get a gorilla invizimal?

Story mode.

What is the rarest invizimal?

its probably tigershark shiny

How do you get a skeletail and venomweb on invizimals?

you cant get both of them.... if u r looking for them don't because i have a skeletail AND a venomweb there is only 1 way.... that is tradind or cheats..... but there will be a competition you get this answer right you win a skeletail and a venomweb all u got to do is answer this question send it to this email address here is the question ............................................................................................................................................................................... what is my favorite invizamal closing time is July 31st and the people who go i right will be asked a second question (to get that question type in invizamals secret question on the first of August good the way the venomweb and skeletail are mutants.