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get 50 knife kills

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Q: How do you get the title blade veteran in COD MW2?
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How do you get title blade veteran in MW2?

Stab 50 enemies for Blade veteran (silver title) Stab 250 enemies for Blademaster (gold title)

How do you get the MW2 title in cod MW2?

Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.

How do you get the callsign Great White North in CoD MW2?

Complete Flashbang Veteran 1 challenge

How do you get the blunt burner title in cod mw2?

i dnt know

How do you get the voyeur title in cod mw2?

"Exposed : ll" -Call in 25 U.A.Vs

How do you get the title silent veteran 2 Mw2?

Kill 50 enemies with a weapon that has a silencer equipped. Be sure that you are prestiged. Oh, by the way, the title is "Silent Veteran" with no '2' in front of it.

How do you get the'a major pain title' on cod MW2?

prestige once and reach level 55

MW2 - How do you get the Gold Skull title for Stinger?

To unlock Stinger Veteran III, as well as the title (has gold skulls on it), you need to shoot down 2500 helicopters with it.

Do they have COD MW2 for Playstation 2?

No, there will never be COD MW2 for PS2. Only for PS3, XBOX360 and a PC.

How do you unlock the stinger veteran title in cod mw2?

You Get The 250 Stinger Headshot by shooting Down 250 Helicopters 500 Is For 500 Helicopters the Silver 2500 title is for 2500 Helicopters And the Gold Which is normally the 1000 Headshots Is For 5000 Helicopters i Have the 2500 Helicopters Legit and Im 10th Prestige Lvl 70

How do you complete the veteran challenges on COD MW2?

you just have to be very good or go to a privte match by your self and kill himall thetime to you can be some whatgood !! so suck it

Does shepherd survive in cod mw2?
