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You need to work in CA for the Roblox Company to have that badge.

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Q: How do you get the super moderator badge on roblox?
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How do you get Administrator Badge on roblox?

If you work by roblox you get the badge!

How do you become a moderator on Roblox?

No you must be nice and respectful you must be 14 not 18 or older to be a mod. You do not need to "work" you just must keep everything on Roblox appropriate. AND YOU SHOULD NEVER GET BANNED. ALSO NEVER ASK TO BE MODERATOR.

How long do you have to play ROBLOX to become a Moderator?

You Become A Mod By Gettin' A Job With ROBLOX

Who is roblotim?

roblotim made roblox because he has all the roblox badge's

How do you get the ambassador badge on roblox?

Well you have have to post ROBLOX advertisements. The number of WORKING links is I believe 3. If they are all working, then you get the badge.

Who is ekl11 on Roblox?

a random user that played roblox, and was never seen again,2 badges,1 badge was a veteran badge.

How do moderaters ban players on roblox?

This question is unanswerable, and it can not be answered unless a actual moderator sees this. If you want to know the answer, tweet a moderator.

How do you create badges on roblox?

master badge

What extras do you get being a moderator on ROBLOX?

Well, you can get people banned. That's cool. and you can get every thing on Roblox. <---That's an adminstrator.

How To Get The Place Traffic Award On Roblox?

There are two place traffic awards on Roblox, the Homestead badge and the Bricksmith badge. You must have 100 place visits to get the Homestead badge and you must have over 1,000 to get the Bricksmith.

In roblox how do you get the secret of the wind badge?

What game is this badge located in, I would need to know that for me to help you.

Get Where is Dr Octupus roblox badge?

There is none, sorry.