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To get the red mullet, first, you need to catch 60 or more fish. After you do that, three more yellow fish will appear. Catch two of the fish and when the third one appears, get it on your fishing line, but don't bring it up, keep it on the line. Then, when you see the mullet from the side of the screen, put the yellow fish in front of its face, and it will eat it.

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Q: How do you get the red mullet in club penguin?
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There is no such thing as a 'fluffy' fish on club penguin. However, if you mean 'Mullet' the big red fish, you simply catch a normal fish but you do not put him in the fish box. You dangle him in front of Mullet and then he will eat the fish.

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You catch a yellow fish and leave it there so the mullet will eat it.

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No, you don't have to be a member.

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to catch the mullet you have to use anothe fish for bait

What do you do with the mullet on club penguin?

Before the mullet comes, catch a normal fish but don't reel it in. The mullet will then grab on to the fish and you will be able to catch it.

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What the name of the big fish on ice fishing club penguin?


How many coins do you get if you catch mullet on club penguin?

100 coins