If you go to places like MML, DDL, DD, DG, TTC, and TB. Then watch what they say and they will tell you what street and place. But you have to have the phrase trick-or-treat and you have to be a member.
Brrrgh:sleet street Snow place like home
Toontown central silly street Fun and games
and there are more but you have to figure that out
There are toontown cheats look on youtube :) "toontown cheats"
Well, There is a pumpkin head for members but I am having trouble finding the pumpkin bucket. 2009 Happy Halloween!
yes there is alot of cheat in toontown
you can find them in toontown central.
Try Loopy Lane in Toontown Central.
The pumpkin head is in Time Tangled Island and you have to find it.
You have to do just for fun toontasks.
ha ha ha you think youre so funny asking people if they know how to get a PUMPKIN HEAD on loontown. If you do find out, dont bother to tell me because you type like a five year old and you must be like 20 or something to still be playing loontown. Oh i stopped playing that when i was about4
mostly in the brggh,donalds dreamland and in invasions.
You can take it off anytime. Just put something else on. The pumpkin head is just an accessory.
The pumpkin head is one of the 4 games at the party, which occurs after Snoppy's adventure. The "pumpkin head" costume is not on Great Pumpkin Island. It is a costume change that can be triggered (and reversed!) by typing the costumizer command : Ctrl +Shift +P (all at once). This does not work as a costume on the island. You have to find the mask on the scarecrow and wear it.
It depends on what one you want. If you want the new one you can trade for it or buy a deluxe membership. If you want the old one you either had to be on Webkinz when they gave it out on Halloween or trade for it.
You wear a cog outfit and you see your toons head.
you can't. Because after you defeat Oogie Boogi you'll leave Holloween Town with out the pumpkin head