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You can trade a Pokemon with the move dive from Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire to HeartGold and SoulSilver and it will work.
You can't, it's unobtainable.
Dive is unobtainable in Pokemon Heart Gold Version and Pokemon Soul Silver Version as either a TM or HM. quote it is obtainable and to get it u need to go to the house near the battle frontier there be three dudes and one can teach u dive

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Q: How do you get the move dive in Pokemon HeartGold?
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Where is the move dive in Pokemon Pearl?

Dive is absent in Pokemon pearl,diamond,platinum,heartgold,and soulsilver . But will return in Black/White =-)

Where to get dive in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The HM Dive is not in SoulSilver or HeartGold, for there is no deep water to dive into.

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No, there are no underwater routes in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver. The HM Dive is not available in Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.

How do you find the TM dive in Pokemon heartgold?

There is no TM for Dive and you don't need it.

Where to find the hm dive in Pokemon Silver?

There is no HM Dive in either Pokemon Silver/Gold or Heartgold/SoulSilver. It is exclusive to the Hoenn games.

Can you get dive on SoulSilver?

There is no HM for Dive in SoulSilver, but you can get it by transferring a Pokemon who knows dive into SoulSilver the Pal Park. but you can get dive as a HM in Pokemon black and white but not in soulsilver,heartgold,platinum,diamond,and pearl

Where is the hidden move dive in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Dive is not a hidden move in leafgreen.

How could a pokemon dive in the sea?

You have to get them to learn the move dive.

Can you get dive in Pokemon Platiunm?

Dive is not an HM move in Pokemon Platinum. There are, however, Pokemon that can learn it by level up.

How do you find a diver that can teach your Pokemon dive in Pokemon emerald?

You get the abilty to use the move Dive from Tate and Liza in Mossdeep and then you can teach your Pokemon to Dive! X3 POKEMON-1001

How do you get dive in Pokemon HeartGold?

There are 2 ways.You go to Blackthorn City & go to the Move Tutor. He can teach Dive to most water type PokemonYou level up these Pokemon to these levels:37: Huntail, Gorebyss41: Seel, Dewgong, Wailmer46: Wailord57: Relicanth61: Phione, ManaphyHope this helps!

Where to get the hm move dive in Pokemon pearl?

the hm dive is not available in pearl.