For the computer: First go to Edie's house so that you can go to Grant's house. That way, you get the map of every area. To open it, just press m on your keyboard. Hope this helps.
there is one in the prairie (however you spell it) and one in the forest. Look on the map and there should be a horse shoe. follow the path that leads to it. That is a competition. when you are at the forest look at your map again there should be another horse shoe . follow that and when you arrive that should be another competition. hope this helped! xxx
when you rescue the Devon Goods, the person will bring you to the president. He will give you a pokeNav. As you walk outside the building, a scientist will upgrade your pokeNav. Use your Pokemon and there will be a setting called "Hoenn Map"
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
When you go to the mine on your map, go into it. Then go past Puffle Rescue (straight ahead) and walk over to the helmets. Pick one up by clicking on it then put it on with nothing else and dance!
go to your map and go to the mine shack its the purple one and then when you are there go inside and then you will see a desk and behind the desk you will see a bulliten board click on that and chose which one you want to play!
there is one in the prairie (however you spell it) and one in the forest. Look on the map and there should be a horse shoe. follow the path that leads to it. That is a competition. when you are at the forest look at your map again there should be another horse shoe . follow that and when you arrive that should be another competition. hope this helped! xxx
You can find a map of Ladera Ranch on Google Maps or by visiting the official Ladera Ranch website. Additionally, you may also find maps at local businesses or community centers in Ladera Ranch.
Blacklock’s solicitor can be found in the office building on Pippa Funnell’s stud farm, which is likely located near the main entrance or in a designated administrative area. It is recommended to inquire with the farm staff or consult a map of the property for specific directions to the solicitor's office.
CT Spawn.
go to
you take it to the ranch on your map.
Put it in the corral. It will stay there. The corral and ranch are just a little left of Rock Ridge on the map.
You put them in the ranch just beside where the lady lives. It is on the map you just have to look at the map and you will see it.
one where you have to find the blue tiplup then rescue the big head kid
first the girl who lost the calf will give you a lasso which you press spacebar then it twirls then you press spacebar again to release and once you get the calf from doing that you go to map (the white dot is you) and go to the bottom left corner. no you lead it to the place where it says ranch on the map
On a military map it can stand for Secondary Surveillance Radar, Surface Search Radar, Search & Rescue Region, or Soviet Socialist Republic.