Unfortunately you cannot get the legendary dogs Entei, Suicune, and Raikou in Emerald Green. You can import them into Emerald green by trading from Leaf Green and Fire Red.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
If You have The ROM i am pretty sure that not only the three Legendary Cats, but Zapdos Moltres And Articuno are in there too Suicune=Cheetah Entei=Lion Raikou=Tiger
There are no breedable legendary Pokemon in Emerald. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Manaphy is breedable with a Ditto. However, the offspring will be a Phione.
The name of the legendary dogs are Entei, Raikou, and Suicune.
no not really . . .
None of the legendary dogs are available in Emerald you must obtain them from Firered, Leafgreen, or Pokemon Colosseum.
they have to be migrated from pokemonSilver. they cant be found in emerald.
IN the desert you can find the legendary dogs. Make sure you sty on the edges of the desert!!!!!!!!!!!!Important
In general, there are 6 legendary Pokemons in Emerald. If you count the Event Pokemons in Emerald, then there are 12 legendary Pokemons in Emerald.
i do believe you can but you need gameshark so go buy one off of eBay their cheap
You must trade it from Emerald. I'm afraid I don't know how to get it in Emerald. I think you have to complete the pokedex -_-
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
If You have The ROM i am pretty sure that not only the three Legendary Cats, but Zapdos Moltres And Articuno are in there too Suicune=Cheetah Entei=Lion Raikou=Tiger
There are no breedable legendary Pokemon in Emerald. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Manaphy is breedable with a Ditto. However, the offspring will be a Phione.
The name of the legendary dogs are Entei, Raikou, and Suicune.
There isn't a second legendary fight and if there was what would it be?
If you count sudowoodo as a legendary then yes