There are no breedable legendary Pokemon in Emerald.
In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Manaphy is breedable with a Ditto. However, the offspring will be a Phione.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
Not to my knowledge but if you have emerald you can duplicate it. Mew is a legendary Pokemon that is not bredable. It does not have a gender either. you could always try a ditto.
The three legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald is Kyorge, Groundon and Rayquazer.
You can not breed legendary pokemon.
No. The only legendary Pokemon that can breed is Manaphy.
legendary Pokemon cant breed
Deoxys is a legendary Pokemon and cannot breed in Pokemon Emerald. This Pokemon can only be obtained through trade and special Live Nintendo events.
sorry, even if they DO have genders no legendary pokemon can breed includes ditto with latias
No, because Rayquaza can't breed. None of the legendary Pokemon in the game can breed at all.
put a Pokemon in with ditto you can't breed legendary Pokemon
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
You cannot breed Cresselia. Cresselia is a legendary Pokemon, and you cannot breed a legendary Pokemon.
Not to my knowledge but if you have emerald you can duplicate it. Mew is a legendary Pokemon that is not bredable. It does not have a gender either. you could always try a ditto.
you cannot breed any legendary Pokemon
No, legendary Pokemon cannot breed, Unless you count manaphy which breed into Phione's but they don't evolve into Manaphy
U cant breed Rayquaza because its a legendary Pokemon but u can breed other Pokemon as long its not legendary.
the only legendary that you can breed is manaphy. and that will result in a phione.