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you need a wii and you get them as gift fossils with great support effects

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Q: How do you get the legendary chickens in fossil fighters?
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What is the legendary fossil in fossil fighters champions?

there are actuly 5 of them ignosourus and frigisourus and dynal duna and raptin!!

How do you get the chickens in fossil fighters?

you have to get all vivasaurs to rank 12. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!!

What are all the legendary vivosaurs in fossil fighters?

Frigi, Igno, Guhvorn, Guhith, and Guhweep

What do you do after you find the legendary beast in fossil fighters?

While completing the game, you will find it automatically at the very end..

Can you transfer your dinosaurs from Fossil Fighters to Fossil Fighters Champions?

No but you can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions.

What are the Four Titan Vivosaurs in fossil fighters easiest to find?

well there are only four NON-legendary vivosaurs but is you want the non-legendary and legendary its Apato,Guhweep,Guhvorn,andGuhlith.

Can you send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions?

Yes! You can send fossils from fossil fighters to fossil fighters champions via the fossil cannon, located in Ribular town in Fossil Fighters Champions.

How do you get the legend fossil in fossil fighters?

you get the last legendary fossil when you get all 100 vivosaurs at rank twelve and talk to the guy in the top left corner in the cleaning room then you get a chicken thing

What is super fossil fighters?

it is fossil fighters number 2

When did Fossil Fighters happen?

Fossil Fighters happened in 2008.

Can you send fossils from fossil fighters champions to fossil fighters?


How do you get the legendary fossil on fossil fighters champions?

get a internet connection and go to the download thing and press dowload extra data and it will give you ignosourus frigisourus and duna dynal and raptin