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well all you do is move the bugs round forward and backwards then move the key out of its head

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Q: How do you get the key on the bug game in moshi monsters?
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Where is the key on super moshi Moshi Monsters?

The key is in the skull's head.

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in the skull head

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try testing them around the room

How do you get the key out of the skull on moshi monsters?

all you have to do is click on the skull twice, you might have to click a bit above the skull, then what you do is play a game where you move bugs out of the way, then you drag the key out of the skull, and vwala! you have the key. :)

How do you get the key out of the skulls head in super moshi monsters?

if you click once the skull will say something click again and it brings up a game complete the game and the door opens

How do you move the bugs on mission 1 on moshi monsters to get the key?

move the bugs

Where are the 3 key pieces in moshi monsters?

On the hut. In the water. Behind the bush.

Are there any rare Moshi Monsters figures?

The gold Moshi Monsters figures and the Cosmic Purple figures are the rare Moshi Monsters figures.

Where is the ruby key to access the volcanio in moshi monsters?

You have to be a member to enter the Volcano and the key is in For Rent.

Where is the key in the mission on Moshi Monsters?

For the first Moshi Monster mission, the key is in the keyhole on the door next to the Furi. Further along in the same mission, there's a key inside the skeleton skull.