You get the "I got pranked" sticky note when it is April Fools Day. Find them in the shops, but be quick as they are only available for 24 hours.
Well, to send a note to a friend on Moshi Monsters, go to their house, by clicking on his or her monster, and click on their pinboard. Click Add Message, and type a note to your friend. Happy Monstering!
Furnando has not been released on Moshi Monsters. Furnando is to be featured in the Moshi Monsters Moshlings Theme Park Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS game to be released on October 30 and 31, 2012. Note: 3 Hot Silly Peppers do not work to catch Furnando.
The only Moshi Monsters secret code for a window is the code for the Twistmas Window: WINDOW44 Twistmas codes are released during the month of December each year. Note: the code may have expired.
There is no key to the locked scary door in the Underground. You have to collect all of the 'Spookies' Set on Moshi Monsters which are: Kissy, Big Bad Bill, Ecto, Squidge. Then you have to stand by the door. Note: You have to be a paid Moshi Members to collect the complete Spookies set.
You can not buy a Moshi Monsters membership for only one week. You can buy a membership for 1 month, 6 months, or 12 months. Australia: 1 month AU$6.95 6 months AU$34.95 12 months AU$44.95 Note that Moshi Monsters can change membership prices at any time!
it was only sold on April Fools day on moshi monsters
No there isn't a code for it you have to get it in the shops on April fools day. Be quick cause it's only for 24 hours.
There is no note pad in Moshi Monsters. If you want to send a message to a Moshi Monsters friend, go to their room. There is a Pin Board in the upper left corner of the room. Click on that and you can leave a message for your friend.
You have to buy a McDonalds Happy Meal and get a Moshi Monsters Happy Meal toy to get a McWorld Moshi Monsters code. Note: The McDonalds/Moshi Monsters promotion expired on January 10, 2013.
i know witch mesadges you have to send but some peapol on moshi monsters can do blank mesadges to their friends on moshi monsters plese can you tell me how to do a blank mesadge on moshi monsters if i email you our email is
The code for the Freaky Fossil on Moshi Monsters is: dailygrowl74 Note that the code may expire.
You can send presents on Moshi Monsters but you have to be a Moshi member. When you are a Moshi member go to Gift Island, then to the gift shop. Pick a gift, then a friend to give it to, and a note!
Well, to send a note to a friend on Moshi Monsters, go to their house, by clicking on his or her monster, and click on their pinboard. Click Add Message, and type a note to your friend. Happy Monstering!
The code redandgreen gets you 3D Glasses on Moshi Monsters. Note: this code may no longer work.
The main way to send messages to other members on Moshi Monsters is by using the Pin Board which is located in each Moshi Monsters member's room. You can also post messages on the Moshi Monsters Forums. Note that messages posted to the Forums are public and can be seen by any Moshi Monsters member.
500 RoxWHSMITHSROX Note: Code on Moshi Monsters may be cancelled at any time.
To get secret codes for Cuddlies, you have to buy a Moshi Monsters Toy. Note: codes may only work for a limited time.