Well, to send a note to a friend on Moshi Monsters, go to their house, by clicking on his or her monster, and click on their pinboard. Click Add Message, and type a note to your friend. Happy Monstering!
You can not send Rox to other people on Moshi Monsters.
You can not send a link to friends on Moshi Monsters. It is a safety feature of the game.
Goto your friends tree and click on the friend, then click on the pin board, you can leave a message there.
All you have to do is be a member. Scan a pic and e mail it to Moshi Monsters!
You can send an email to the Moshi Monsters Customer Service team. Their email address is helpme@moshimonsters.com.
There is no note pad in Moshi Monsters. If you want to send a message to a Moshi Monsters friend, go to their room. There is a Pin Board in the upper left corner of the room. Click on that and you can leave a message for your friend.
You can send presents on Moshi Monsters but you have to be a Moshi member. When you are a Moshi member go to Gift Island, then to the gift shop. Pick a gift, then a friend to give it to, and a note!
The other person might send you a friend request on Moshi Monsters.
If someone wants to be your friend on Moshi Monsters, they could send you their Moshi Monsters User Name, but that is the only information that should be shared with anyone.
You can not send e-cards on Moshi Monsters. You may send a message to a friend's email inviting them to join Moshi Monsters or you can post a message on their Pin Board or on the Forums.
i know witch mesadges you have to send but some peapol on moshi monsters can do blank mesadges to their friends on moshi monsters plese can you tell me how to do a blank mesadge on moshi monsters if i email you our email is wendy.kianj@yahoo.com
You can not text on Moshi Monsters. Use the Pin Board in your room and your friend's rooms to send messages.
If you have a friend on moshi monsters that is a member you could ask them to send you a gift from gift island.
You can not send a message to anyone on Moshi Monsters unless they are your friend. If you have just asked them to be your friend, you have to wait until they accept your friend request before you will be able to post a message to them on their Pinboard.
u cant send rox to ur friends sry
You can not send pets to your friends on Moshi Monsters.
Well there two ways: pick a friend you want to send a note to and vist their house a click on THEIR pinboard and click add a massage. Tehe other way is if a friend send YOU a massage you click replied and there you go! Please add me bunny9054 on moshimonster! Thank You!