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You do not donate it. You return it to the guards at the Treasury (first building) at 328 BC.


The vase for Ancient Greece (1 o'clock, 328 BC) is in the cave blocked by rocks in the Viking time period (2 o'clock, 831 AD) and is slightly difficult to recover.

You will need the barrel of gunpowder from the Great Wall of China (6 o'clock, 1593 AD), which is where you'd be going for the Thor Amulet as well. Both are on the right side of the Wall. Bring the gunpowder to the rocked-up cave on the hill at the Viking island. Click on the rocks and it will blast them away and you can enter the cave.

Unfortunately, you have only a torch to light your way and it is rapidly burning out. You have about 30 seconds to reach the hidden vase, and there are pools of water that will also put out the torch. You must run down, up, up, up, across, down and left, jumping three pools of water at the end. After you have the vase, you can easily leave using the time device.

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Q: How do you get the gold vase and donate it to the queen on time tangled island?
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You give it to the guards at the Treasury Building where you arrive. (328 BC) On the roof of the building is the phonograph for Thomas Edison (1887 AD).

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You give it to the guards at the Treasury Building where you arrive. (328 BC) On the roof of the building is the phonograph for Thomas Edison (1887 AD).

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You give it to the guards at the Treasury Building where you arrive. (328 BC) On the roof of the building is the phonograph for Thomas Edison (1887 AD).

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