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you unlock it at level 18 from g1ng3r n1nj4

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Q: How do you get the final blow move on Dragon Fable?
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What level do you have to be to get the final move on Dragon Fable?

On the base armor it's Lv 18

How do you use dragon heart in Dragon Fable?

You opponent must be affected by a move that does damage every turn, such as your Dragon's claw attack. The button will then be available.

How do you get the hawk eggs to use the summon hawk move in dragon fable?

You turn right and get a life.

How do you die on Dragon Fable?

just fight but waste ur potions or do a move that does not attack or defend all the time

What is the worst Pokemon attack out of dragon burst dragon rage dragon pulse dragon claw outrage shadow ball shadow claw shadow force nightmare hex and epic dragon blow?

Epic Dragon Blow is the worst, because it's not even a real move.

In soulsilver what Pokemon can learn ultimate dragon move?

Any Dragon-type really. But it must be in it's final evolution. Ex. Dragonite Garchomp

What is a coup de grac?

it's grace not grac - it means the final blow, the finishing move, something which brings proceedings to an end, a move which brings about victory for one side and defeat for the other.

How do you destroy a planet in Dragon Ball budokai tenkaichi 2?

You will have to do a very powerful move like... Spirit bomb or any other powerful move _________________________________________________________________ UNKNOWN ((((((((((YOU CAN DO FINAL FLASH AS WELL)))))))))))))

Can you get more attacks for your baby dragon on Dragon Fable?

Yes but what you have to do is go to lady Celestia buy food and train your dragon the moves depend on the category you train it in and the ammount of points in the category. When you choose to train in a category the ammount of points to unlock a new move will be on the left hand side.

What is a good dragon type move?

Dragon Claw and Outrage

What is dragon pulse?

a move

What type beats dragon?

use a dragon type move on dragon it's most effective.