you have to answer the questions clairs grandfather tell you.but those answers have to be fair,like if he asks you who do you care more,high or low level pokemon,you have to say both.then,i guess something happen,like clair running in.after,talk to her grandfather again,he'll give you dratini.
you can get a dratini from a guy in dragons den in blackthorn city or you can catch one in the water in dragons den
in dragons den you can also catch dratini's in there
I can't say it's easy to get Shiny but Dratini are found in the dragons den behind the last gym.
well, you cant catch dragonite but you can catch dratini. go to dragons den, then go to the small house inside dragons den and defeat the man in the back room. talk to him after you defeat him and he will give you a dratini.or just catch a wild dratini in the water at dragons den.level up dratini to lvl 30 then it will evolve into dragonair,level up dragonair to lvl 55 then it will evolve into dragonite.Hope this helps! =:)of course you can! you just need to go to the dragons den and answer the old guys questions correctly. or you could just find a dratini or dragonair and evolve it
Its easy, all you need to do is catch Lugia and the 3 like entei then take them to the dragons den, surf, then catch a dratini.
you can't you have to get one from dragons den
After you get the 8th gym badge
you can get a dratini from a guy in dragons den in blackthorn city or you can catch one in the water in dragons den
You can get it in dragons den in water, or in dragons den an old man will give you one after a quiz. by the way, dratini evolves into dragonair at lvl 30 then dragonite at lvl 55
in the dragons den. its in blackthorn behind the gym.
magikarp dratini dragonair
in dragons den you can also catch dratini's in there
On the water in the dragons den behind the blackthorn city gym.
get dratini or dragonair in dragons den and level it up
I can't say it's easy to get Shiny but Dratini are found in the dragons den behind the last gym.
dragons den in blackthorn city surfing if you mean dratini
cathc dratini or dragonair in dragons den and level it up