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First it has to be in the medevil party and in the page in the cloths store book you click on the dragon shadow.

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Q: How do you get the dragon suit in Club Penguin?
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How do you get the green dragon suit in Club Penguin?

in club penguin people are wearing green dragon suits and i do not know how to get it

Where do you get the green dragon suit in club penguin?

You get it from the catalog.

How do you the dragon suit on club penguin?

you will have to buy it from the shop

How do you get a dragon suit in Club Penguin?

Sucks for you; dragon suit is like all other items on club penguin; you can only get them from the catalog when they're there. They usually have them in the Gift Shop catalog during the medieval festival.

Where is the dragon suit on Club Penguin?

Go to gift shop and in the dungeon click on the dragon shadow. it costs 1000$

What are some of the club penguin 2013 codes?

a good code for club penguin is happycny it gives you a dragon suit another code is presente it will give you a bunch of balloons

On club penguin how do you get the green dragon suit?

You have to get a penguin toy and go to the treasure book, go where the king and joker are and click on the green tail.

What suits in Club Penguin?

There are many suits in Club Penguin... Black Suit, Clown Suit, Robot Suit, just to name a few..

How do you get the green dragon costume on club penguin?

Wait for it to come back to the stage or buy a series 2 club penguin toy at a Disney store or Toys R Us then use the code and get the suit.

How do you get the crab suit on Club Penguin?

you can get it by bying a club penguin stuff animal and you get your coin and you tipe in your code on line and you can get the crab suit

How do you get a free superhero suit on club penguin?

At the club penguin store while your a mamber

The Dragon Suite for Club Penguin?

Every time theres a play; like the dragon suit one; you can buy it with member ship. That play isn't out until August or June.:)