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You must defeat The Corn Boss by yourself and then you can blow the horn.

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Q: How do you get the blow horn on castle crashers?
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How do you get in flooded temple in castle crashers?

you have to obtain the horn

When did Castle Crashers happen?

Castle Crashers happened in 2008.

Can you play Castle Crashers on the PSP?

Castle Crashers is not available on the PSP.

When was Castle Crashers created?

Castle Crashers was created on 2008-08-27.

What are games like castle crashers for ds?

Nothing is like Castle Crashers, unfortunately. Hopefully they will come out with Castle Crashers for the ds though, that would be awesome.

Is castle crashers on GameCube?

No. Castle crashers was released for Xbox 360 and PS3 only.

Do you play castle crashers online?

Castle Crashers online is playable on the PS3 and XBox

How do you change the names on castle crashers?

Get a hamburger. Stick it in the 360. Run Castle Crashers. Done.

How do you get level 256 on castle crashers?

Just kill the painter bosses paintings in the castle crashers

When is Castle Crashers coming out for the PS3?

Wikipedia only says 2010 in the related link for castle crashers

Is castle crashers out for ps3?


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