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Travel south>Thundermoutain

Make sure your a level 85 and you have 1million gold or your screwed

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Q: How do you get the asguardian plate in battleon aq?
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Where is the bookshop in aq worlds?

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In swordhaven, for AQWorlds. In the battleon for AQ.

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ok one wil be in battleon 2is in magic shop and battleon square 3 next at the right of battleon square

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battleon ,falconreach,willowshire

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Good armor in battleon?

The two different armors I would recommend for Battleon is the Golden Plate and the Nemesis Plate. The Golden Plate is good if your more defensive and the Nemesis Plate is better if your more offensive.

How do you get beta beserker in aq worlds?

you need to have upgrade if you have go to upgrade shop at battleon and u will get it

Where can i find the armor shop on AQ worlds?

You can find it in yulgar it used to be in battleon but they put it in yulgar instead.

How do you get inferno dress in aq worlds?

Go to the Battleon inn and press on yulger then press suggestion styles