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battleon ,falconreach,willowshire

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Q: What are the towns which have a guardian tower in aq and df?
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What are some codes for df scape?

::rand = summons lumby guide (possible %60 of nulling you) ::players (list of players) ::staff (what staff is online) ::sky (just a hangout) / (insert a message) ::pickup (item id) (ammount) That's all the good commands i know for non-donators

What is it best to do if in a Dragon Fable trainer shows up with Error loading game engine please try again in some minutes?

Find a better Dragon Fable engine like one is called DF Zero Dark and it is excellent just google it and has alot of working Dragon Fable Trainers Edit: Heres a link

How do you tame big cat in Minecraft?

To tame a big cat you need to have a mod with them such as Mo' Creatures. Then you need to create a world (or get on an already played one) and find a BigCat cub. Make sure you have 1 raw fish in your inventory, (witch you can kill a bear or go fishing) a medallion, and a rope.Walk up to the cub and throw a raw fish at it. If it doesn't eat the fish pick it up and re throw it. As soon as the cub ate the fish grab the medallion and right click on the cub with it, name the cub, and it's tame. Then throw the rope on it by right clicking and you can bring it to your house. :) Btw try not to get killed by the mom.

Mugen how to use special moves?

In each character's folder, there will be a .cmd file. This is what allows characters to be able to do specials in the first place. Open it with notepad and scroll down. Eventually you should reach a section which tells you how to do these moves. This is the keymap: [Attack Buttons] (go to options in mugen to see which key is configured to which button) x,y,z=punches a,b,c=kicks F=forward DF=down and forward D=down DB=down and back B=back Go pwn some noobs!

What are examples of personification in the Egypt game?

F gf df

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How do you be a guardian on dragonfable?

you need to buy it... you have to be a guardian at AQ and then u can be a guardian at DF when you are a guardian at AQ you have instructions...

Where is the armor painting room in df?

the armor painting room is in the portal next to the guardian tower

Why cant i go on zhoom server in aq worlds?

Member Only(either Upgrade In AQW Or Verify That You Are Guardian In AQ Dragon Amulet Owner in DF Or StarLord In MQ)

Dragon Fable Guardian?

if you wish to become guardian in df you need to become guardian in adventure quest first

Can you use a DF upgrade on your DF account and give it to someone else so they can verify their AQW account?

You may use your DF, MQ, or AQ accounts and your AQW account to get special armor. Hope this helps!

How do you become a guardian on dragonfable?

If you'd like to become a guardian in Dragonfable, you must first become a guardian in Adventure Quest. Upgrade your AQ account, then go to the DragonFable homepage and look for the link that says something along the lines of VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT, (I don't know precisely what it says, but it's something like that.)(Go on help on the left side of the homepage and click the link verify dragonfable account.) and it will ask you to enter your AQ username and password, the your DF user name and password. and voila! you're now a DF guardian! NOTE: A guardianship does not act as a Dragon Amulet, if you wish to have access to Dragon Amulet items and Quests, you must purchase a DA from the Dragon Fable home pages please note that having a dragon amulet would be advised for the final skill. which allows you to summon the guardian dragon to attack your enemies in dragon fable. i have included the link so that anyone may verify their guardian status.

How do you beat Toht in Lego Indiana Jones 2 Wii?

i only anser aqw aq mq df or ep and wp ok?

Df df df df df dfd means what?


What round to 1.5645?

df df df

How do you transfer to AQW?

You can't transfer your account, though i have heard my share of rumors that weopons will soon be able to move from aq and df into aqw! Start a fresh account at



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