Kanto/Hoenn-migration. Also for Johto but you must migrate from Emerald, after beating the league in Emerald, you go to the Safari Zone and there'll be a new area. In the new area you can find Johto Pokemon including the starters (the starters are EXTREMELY rare to find though.)
Go to other regions and talk to the professors sorry that's all i know
if you are in kanto it is in saffron city but if you are in jhoto its in goldenrod city
16 badges. 8 from Jhoto and 8 from Kanto.
You can't.
I think once you beat every Gym Leader in Kanto, you go to Oak's Lab and he might give you Kanto starters. (Charmander, Bulbasaur, or Squirtle you choose which one.) If I'm wrong you can be mad at me if you want. <3
Sinoh jhoto kanto and hoen the zephyr region is the kanto starter's
to do this i think its just like diamond/pearl so beat your rival 500 times to get to hoenn 1000 times to get to kanto and 1500 times to get to jhoto
in kanto
jhoto and kanto regien Pokemon
Its impossible to see the starters from kanto in platinum you must migrate each Pokemon from firered/leafgreen to platinum to receive them.
No but in Pokemon crystal you can go from johto to kanto to johto etc.!!!
Go to other regions and talk to the professors sorry that's all i know
yes kanto and jhoto
they do not have 7 badges they have 8 in kanto,and have 8 in jhoto.
There are Pokemon from Kanto, Jhoto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Regions.
Sinnoh but there are some kanto jhoto and hoenn on it :)