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On the last mission when you get valkyrie rockets, you must shoot down BOTH helicopters with a single rocket.

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Q: How do you get the Double Whammy achievement in CoD Black Ops?
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A trophy/achievement and a pat on the back.

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There are approximately 52 trophies in cod black ops (Playstation3)

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Double tap basically makes your gun shoot faster just like in Call Of Duty World at War.

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How do you get sacrificial lamb achievement on COD black ops?

Simply shoot or be shot at with the crossbow, and have the person shot with the crossbow kill 6 zombies with the resulting blast. I recommend upgrading it to the Awful Lawton, due to the fact the bolts will attract zombies, making the achievement a bit easier.

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Do you get anything for beating cod ghosts on veteran?

Yes, the trophy/achievement called "You've earned it."