Play multiplayer matches and after the match is over you will see that you have gained cod points.
It's for if you don't have any points in the game than you use those example: I have only 200 points but the mystery box is 950 than you use cod points to buy the box
Unlock By Leveling Up, And Purchasing With COD Points
if you want a private server you make one but if you want a ranked server that gives you the cod points and xp you have to go buy one on black ops
All you simply have to do to 'Jump' in CoD Black Ops on the Wii Console is press the 'Up' Directional button.
Get to 14th prestige, and then buy the gold camo for 50,000 COD points from the camo list.
Yes. When yourches online and on combat training you get Cod Points(:
You buy it with COD points
Nah. If you did, I would have 0 CoD Points, right now.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops, to get COD points in wager matches you have to come in the top 3.
All the guns are the same price. 2000 CoD points. Except for the pistols which are 1500 CoD points
level 38 and it will cost 2000 cod points
MW3 is after COD black ops.
500 for search and 50 for domanation and 50 for headquaters
By becoming 14 Prestige for 50,000 Cod points.
Level 27, for 2000 cod points
go to attachments for the gun you want it and buy it with cod points
Cod black ops