well i think you have to trade it from Pokemon peal or the esiet way to do it is migrate tangella him or her from Pokemon leafgreen then evolve him or her into a tangrowth done.
You can't because it is a 4th Generation Pokemon available in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
tangela doesnt evolve in leaf green you have to transfer it to diamond and pearl in order to get tangrowth
Pokemon #465 is Tangrowth
i know at least one pokemon that is tangela just level up and get tangrowth
Pokemon diamond
You can't because it is a 4th Generation Pokemon available in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
im pretty sure its tangrowth
Tangrowth is a Grass type pokemon.
tangela doesnt evolve in leaf green you have to transfer it to diamond and pearl in order to get tangrowth
Pokemon #465 is Tangrowth
Tangrowth is #465 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass type Pokemon.
You can't because Tangrowth didn't exist in those games. You can only get a Tangela.
Tangela evolves into Tangrowth.
Tangela cannot learn Ancient Power in Pokemon Leaf Green. I believe you are asking because you want to evolve it to a Tangrowth which only can have in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl onwards.
u see it in a battle
It is in the Sky Fortress.
no tangrowth evolves from a tangela and legends are single evolutions. so completely no to whoever wants to know its so obvious.