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you have to beat your dad's gym and then go talk to Wally's parents, who gives you the HM surf

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Q: How do you get swim in the Pokemon ruby?
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Which gym in Pokemon ruby is the fourth?

The Fourth Pokemon Gym in Ruby is located in Lavaridge town. It is home to Flannery who specializes in fire pokemon. (just give them a good hosedown and take a swim in the hotspring)

Where can you find Hm swim in Pokemon ruby?

After you beat your dad in his gym wallys dad gives it to you for helping wally

How do you open the Sealed Chamber in Pokemon Ruby?

I really don't know how you open it. I have ruby, and have all eight badges, but all I found was a description written in dots if you swim southwards.

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All The Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby Are All The Pokemon You Can Get in Ruby Any Pokemon Can Be Shiney Even Starters and Legendaries. So There Are 200 Shiney Pokemon You Can Get In Pokemon Ruby.

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You can trade from Pokemon Ruby to another Pokemon Ruby using a link cable.

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ruby's favorite sport to do was to swim

Were do you get the pokeradar to get shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Ruby?

you can't get the pokeradar in Pokemon ruby

What Pokemon are in Pokemon ruby?

Pokemon from the 3rd gen (hoenn region) are in ruby

How do you put Diamond Pokemon to Pokemon Ruby?

you can't, only ruby Pokemon can go to diamod. but diamond Pokemon can't go to ruby