when you are fighting gotenks with gotega finish him off with stardust breaker then omega shenron will pop up beat him then you unlock ssj 4 goku and vegeta
finish the gt saga in dragon history
The only games Vegeta can go SSJ3 is in Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1 and 2 and a hack someone made called Dragon Ball Budokai AF a hack of Budokai 3
at the character select pick the form you want to turn in to. During battle you charge up 4 bars of ki and thhen press down, circle. BBBBBOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM! You are now super saiyan!
because super saiyan 2 has a jolt or electricity around it and super saiyan 1 doesnt
Gohan is the strongest saiyan on dragon ball. Not super saiyan but normal form saiyan. Only not best super saiyan because he can't go super saiyan 4.
Yes there is.
complete the saga of the 'wrath of the dragon'
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.
press the 1 button
100 i think
finish the gt saga in dragon history
~sigh~ NO THERE WON'T BE SUPER SAIYAN 5 GOKU if he wasn't super saiyan 5 in the series then why would it be in the game?
go on the dragon history and win tournaments
The only games Vegeta can go SSJ3 is in Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1 and 2 and a hack someone made called Dragon Ball Budokai AF a hack of Budokai 3
with both actually but you have to unlock that move
by the fit of rage you you can turn super saiyan