Snubbull appears in Pokemon Pearl on Route 209 as a swarm. To make Pokemon swarms appear you need to have earned the National Pokedex. To easily find out which swarm is active for the day go to Sandgem Town and talk to your Rival's sister.
In order to get Snubbull in Pokemon Fire Red you must do a trade for him. In Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Diamond Snubbull can be found on Route 209.
The only way to get Snubbull on Pokemon LeafGreen is by trading for one from Pokemon Emerald. Snubbull can be found in the Safari Zone extension of Pokemon Emerald which is unlocked by earning the National Pokedex.
Snubbull is a rare Pokemon that can only be found in the Safari Zone extension in Pokemon Emerald.
You catch Snubbull in Route 37 and 38
You can catch Snubbull on Route 38 & Route 39
Snubbull is a Normal type pokemon.
In order to get Snubbull in Pokemon Fire Red you must do a trade for him. In Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon Diamond Snubbull can be found on Route 209.
You can catch snubbull at lv.16. You just find Dawn's little sister in her house in Sandgem town and she will tell which Pokemon is swarming. If it is Snubbull then go to the route near Solaceon and Hearthome and find one. And if you can't catch one then you are hopeless.
In Pokémon Pearl this Pokémon is actually named Snubbull not Snuble. You find him in a swarm on Route 209.
The only way to get Snubbull on Pokemon LeafGreen is by trading for one from Pokemon Emerald. Snubbull can be found in the Safari Zone extension of Pokemon Emerald which is unlocked by earning the National Pokedex.
Snubbull is a rare Pokemon that can only be found in the Safari Zone extension in Pokemon Emerald.
You catch Snubbull in Route 37 and 38
You can catch Snubbull on Route 38 & Route 39
Only emerald can catch snubbull in the safari zone.
Snubbull is #209 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fairy type Pokemon.