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trade slowpoke while it is holding a kings rock

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Q: How do you get slow king?
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Related questions

Where does the name Slowking come from?

Slow for slow and king for king.

Does a king cobra have a fast or slow strike?

a king cobra has a very fast strike

What nicknames did Edgar Kennedy go by?

Edgar Kennedy went by King of the Slow Burn, and Master of the Slow Burn.

Who was known as the slow poke bandleader?

pee wee king

How do you get slow king HeartGold?

Get a Level 37 Slowbro Or get a friend to give his/her slowpoke a kingsrock then trade it to you

Why is life so slow?

i really don't know why life is so slow ,it just is or maybe ,we move to slow for it ,or maybe where all just caught up in things that are not important ,and we don't see its the little things that get us bye Tim king

I know of the Tiger 1 tank but is the King Tiger the same tank as a King Tiger 2 tank or was there a third Tiger tank by Germany in World War 2?

There was only two tigers, the tiger 1, which was very powerful and armourd but slow. The king tiger, twice the power and armore, but was twice as slow. The Tiger 1 and Tiger 2 had the same top road speed. Go to Wikipedia for more info.

Why did it take a month for the king to find out about the Boston Tea Party?

It took a month for the king to find out about the tea party because the two places were across the Atlantic Ocean and back then they had to take really slow sailing boats.

What is the name of the slow jazz song played in King of California movie it's not on soundtrack?

"In a Sentimental Mood", either Duke Ellington or John Coltrane

Where in the Bible does it say moses stuttered?

Exodus 4:10New King James Version (NKJV) 10 Then Moses said to the Lord, "O my Lord, I amnot eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."

Who sings slow slow it right down?

Alex Clare sings "Slow, Slow, Slow."

Does Saturn the roman god have special powers?

neptune has the power to control water and somthing else