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A shiny Jirachi can be very rarely obtained from using the Pokemon Colosseum bonus disc repeatedly to find Shiny Jirachi. Once it is obtained, you can migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald to the Pal Park.

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Q: How do you get shiny jirachi?
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How Do you Get Shiny Jirachi With Action Replay?

u cant u can only get a shiny jirachi with action replay or gameshark

Can you give you action replay codes to get a shiny jirachi?

yes you can

Is anyone willing to trade the event celebi or a jirachi to Pokemon diamond. i don't have much but some lvl 50s. i don't have ANY shiny Pokemon sorry.?

I have a Jirachi so if you put down a shiny eevee on gts I will give it to you.

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yes but you need to give me your friend code and your name in the game please

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nothing now u will have a shiny pichu and some good poke-followers besides jirachi and i cant tell u cause that would ruin the fun

How do you get a jirachi in Jhoto or Kanto?

You need the Colosseum Bonus disk and can only get it in Hoenn. Still look-in for a shiny eevee if you have one in diamond put it on the gts I can trade Azelf or Houndoom both lv. 100. Or Jirachi lv. 100 for it.

Does anyone want to trade a legit jirachi mew or deoxys for a shiny lv 100 Palkia?

i have a lv 100 palkia, but not shiny i will give it to you for mew i want 1 badly xDdoes the palkia need to be legit if not ill find one on wi-fi

Is there going to be a Nintendo event in America?

Well there is one to get a level 30 shiny pichu at gamestop stores There is going to be one to get a level 5 Jirachi for Pokemon Pearl,Platinum,and Diamond

How do you get shiny jirachi in Pokemon platinum?

You can! You have to go to the trophy garden and talk to the owner every day you can and see what he says. it is VERY RARE for that to happen but it might happen one time.

Where is jirachi in Pokemon sapphire?

jirachi is not in sapphire

Can you get kelceon from the jirachi?

No, you cannot get Kecleon from Jirachi.