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The Road to Rayquaza is a long and arduous one, but it is possible through hard work and dedication. The following is a step-by-step list of what you must do in order to encounter Rayquaza.

- The first step on the road to Rayquaza is, as always, to defeat the Elite Four.

- After you defeat the Elite Four for the first time, you should be able to continue your journey in the Kanto region. During your adventure, you should talk to Professor Elm back in your hometown and he will give you a Boat Ticket. Take this ticket to Olivine City and go onto the boat. Before you board, you should meet Professor Oak who will upgrade your Pokedex to the National Dex.

- Next, obtain all 16 gym badges, defeat the Elite Four once again (optional), and then challenge and defeat Red who can be found deep in Mt. Silver.

- Once you have beaten everyone listed above, go to Pallet Town and talk to Professor Oak who will then give you a generation I starter pokemon.

- After you receive your choice of Generation I starters, head to Mr. Pokemon's house. He will give you a Red Orb (since you're playing Soul Silver).

- Take your Red Orb and fly to Cianwood City. Take the path to the Safari Zone, but enter one of the side caves. Use surf and make your way left across the water. You should find a cave. This cave is called the "Embedded Tower" and is located on Route 47. Enter the cave and move to the center of the room where you will encounter Groudon. It will be level 50, capture it.

- Find a friend who has captured Kyogre from their Heart Gold game following the previous steps (it must have been legitimately caught or else you will not be able to find Rayquaza). Trade for it. I would recommend borrowing it temporarily in order to capture Rayquaza and then returning the favor for them.

- Once you have both Groudon from your game and a Kyogre caught in Heart Gold in your party, fly to Pallet town and show both of them to Professor Oak. He will give you an item called the Jade Orb. With the Jade orb in your possession, return to the Embedded Tower on Route 47 where you'll find Rayquaza within at level 50.

You have reached the end of the Road to Rayquaza, but now there lies a greater challenge before you: finding a shiny one. Follow these steps and with much patience, you may be able to find a Shiny Rayquaza.

- Save immediately before speaking with the Rayquaza. The shininess of a Pokemon is determined randomly immediately before the encounter (besides the roaming legendary dogs).

- Speak with Rayquaza, you will enter the battle scene. If you find a shiny one, congratulations! If not, you must soft reset the game by pressing Start + Select + R + L at the same time. Enter the game again and repeat this step until you find a Shiny Rayquaza.

Please note that finding a shiny may require many soft resets and takes a lot of patience. You are lucky if you find one immediately. The odds of finding a shiny is 1/8192 which means that EACH time you encounter, you have that odd. Just because you speak with Rayquaza 8192 times doesn't guarentee a shiny.

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Q: How do you get shiny Rayquaza in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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How do you get a shiny rayquaza in soulsilver?


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You need to have both Kyogre and Groudon.

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