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You can't Shadow Pokemon are only exclusive to the Gamecube games.

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Q: How do you get shadow lugia in Pokemon Black and White?
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I saw a Pokemon in a video in YouTube that looked like Lugia but it was black with white eyes does anybody know anything about it?

Black Lugia thingThat "thing" is Shadow Lugia, or XD001, the first shadow Pokemon that can't be purified. Wait, XD001 has red eyes! :)

Who is stronger lugia or shadow lugia?

shadow lugia is stronger black hole can beat almost ery pokemon.

Can you catch shadow Lugia in Pokemon Black and White?

Shadow Lugia only exists in Pokemon XD: The Gale of Darkness and this game is on the Nintendo gamecube and is very rare and pricey luckly i got it from who doesnt play it so he gave it to me

What is shadow lugia?

Shadow Lugia is a fake pokemon. You can not obtain a Shadow Lugia in any Pokemon Game (so far). Shadow Lugia is just another rumor pokemon.

Is shadow Lugia real?

actually shadow lugia real, as it was sited in 'Pokemon gale of darkness'. however the Pokemon card shadow lugia is a fake

How do you put shadow Lugia in Pokemon Platinum?

You don't. Shadow Lugia is not available in Pokemon Platinum.

How do you activate shadow Lugia on Pokemon Platinum?

You don't. Shadow Lugia is not available on Pokemon Platinum.

Where is shadow Lugia in the reverse world?

shadow lugia is not in Pokemon platinum

How do you get shadow Lugia in Pokemon platinum with pokesav?

Shadow Lugia does not exist in platinum.

Can you catch dark Lugia on Pokemon black?

no ya cant the only way u can get dark(shadow) lugia is to play Pokemon XD gale of darkness for Nintendo gamecube and your not allowed to trade shadow Pokemon so there is no possible way to get a shadow Pokemon for a GBA game

How do you get shawdow Lugia in Pokemon HeartGold?

Shadow Lugia is not in HeartGold.

How do i get shadow Lugia on Pokemon Pearl?

You cannot have shadow lugia on pearl unless you can find a code.