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seedot is found on route 102, he is rare,

otherwise trade a ralts for one in rustboro


Details by Molokaicreeper:

In Rustboro, some guy with a green cap will ask for Ralts. He is in a house to the right of the gym. He will give you Seedot in return; good luck!


After you defeat the Elite Four, many things will be advertised on tv (eg. energy guru 'going for it') and one of these things is 'an outbreak of Seedot on route 102'. I just got that now and they appear >50% of the time. If you don't want to wait that long, invest in a GameShark and Google the codes...



Found on route 120, by the tv reporter, he is rare, level 25 usually, and therefore cannot be evolved


Actually, any pokemon can be evolved at any level above the level it originally evolves at if you just raise it another level. Also, check bulbapedia for anything pokemon, it can give you the answer to absolutely anything pokemon related from locations to catch rates to how many steps the eggs take to hatch and any other statistic and secret you care to know.

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How do you get seedot in Pokemon sapphire version?

You can get it from Route 114 -- You mean route 117, he will not show up unless you see the NEWS on your bedroom's TV that says he was seen.

Where do you find seedot in emerald?

in rout 102.

Where to get seedot in Pokemon emerald?

Seedot can be traded with guy in rustboro in the next to the rustboro gym leader. The guy will tell you he will want a ralts for his seedot.

Where can you get Seedot in Pokemon?

As far as I'm concerned, you can only get Seedot from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. In other words, Seedot can be found in the Hoenn Region.

Where do you find a seedot in Pokemon emerald?

On Route 102

How can you get a seedot in sapphire?

You can't , you'll have to trade with Ruby or emerald

How do you get a shiftry in emerald?

You can only get a Shiftry by evolving a Seedot twice.

All Pokemon Sapphire cheats?

i got Pokemon emerald (the cooler 1) so i have no idea ^^ >=] first of all in emerald u cant get seedot Roselia or zangoose so hahahahalol correction, you can get seedot

Where do you catch a seedot in Pokemon Emerald?

you can catch them right by foratree city and where u start off and right by the daycare center only works in emerald,ruby.[does not work in sapphire] hoppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiis helps alot for ur questions :]

How can you easily find sedot in emerald?

There is no easy way to find a Seedot in Emerald. The highest chance you have of finding one is 1%.

In Pokemon emerald when your seedot evolved into nuzleaf could it still learn explosion from a move tutor?

no he cant that's why you go ahead and teach it to him before seedot evolves