You can't get scizor on Pokemon leaf green. However, you can trade if you have Pokemon fire red.
Pokemon number 123 is Scyther. Scyther is a bug and flying type Pokemon with swarm and technician abilities that evolves into Scizor.
trade from firered and on firered you have to evolve scyther (which you can catch in the Safari Zone) by trading it with a metal coat
i recommend scizor because onix exist in both versions and therefore possible for both firered and leafgreen to have steelix. But, only firered possesses scyther and therefore, better for it
Scizor is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.
you can't get scizor and not even syther in Pokemon sapphire, only by trading
Pokemon number 123 is Scyther. Scyther is a bug and flying type Pokemon with swarm and technician abilities that evolves into Scizor.
Master Code for Leaf Green 72BC6DFB E9CA5465 56671F3A 6F4F4D6B Code for Scizor 594F7021 3B4E81A7 F8D4BFAE D2C136F5
trade from firered and on firered you have to evolve scyther (which you can catch in the Safari Zone) by trading it with a metal coat
i recommend scizor because onix exist in both versions and therefore possible for both firered and leafgreen to have steelix. But, only firered possesses scyther and therefore, better for it
Scizor is a Steel and Bug type pokemon.
you can't get scizor and not even syther in Pokemon sapphire, only by trading
No. Scizor can't use the stone edge move in Pokemon.
no one
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?
Scizor is #212 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Steel type Pokemon.