Transfer A Bagon From Emerald/Pearl/Diamond/Platinum.
There Is No Way To Catch A Bagon In HG Other Then PokeWalker.
You have to evolve Shelgon (attained by evolving Bagon or going to the Safari Zone (Wetland) with 21 Peak Objects after 70 days).
Evolve Shelgon, which can be caught in the safari zone.
salamance is a giant salamander
no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black
The only pokemon to get fly by leveling up are Salamance and Rayquaza.
You CANNOT LEGALLY download Pokemon Soulsilver.
yes he is but u meed to go to the safari zone
You can't catch a Salamence straight away. First you need a Bagon or a Shelgon from the safari Zone, then train it.
ruins of alph but you have to go through union cave to reach that exact spot.
i think salamance is better at fighting because my salamance is one of my strongest pokemon.
you cant. the only way to get one is to get a bagon and raise it to a salamance.
sort of, it needs lots of exp to level up but salamance is a good pokemon.
trade it from white
salamance is a giant salamander
His Pokemon are a gengar,skarmory,tyranitar,blissy,salamance,and garchomp